MerciBeaucupe JK

MerciBeaucupe JK

lunes, 14 de abril de 2014

Romantic Period

  •  The Romanticism started in 1798 and ended in 1832.


“Liberty leading the people”, by Eugène Delacroix, 1830

            Delacroix used romanticism in his painting as it reflects the art style. War was ideal for the romanticism as it combines terror, violence and heroism, this is seen in the painting as it describes what happened in the revolution of 1830 in France. Liberty leading the people communicates the intensity and greatness that had the romanticism.
            The painter tried to draw the attention on the centre, this is done by using the brightly coloured flag that handles the women. Furthermore Delacroix had created a pyramid structure with dead soldiers on the ground as the base and the liberty as the peak, this was used to balance the composition that was too busy.

              The use of colours was important to demonstrate that everyone was fighting for the same reason, all from different social classes and to illustrate the reason for what they were fighting. The yellow of the woman’s dress represents liberty, while the red represents the workers of Paris.
            The light was also used many times in the romanticism, so the observer can focus on important things.

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